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JupyterHub Guide

As an alternative to downloading and installing Python and a Jupyter Notebook editor (such as VSCode), you can use JupyterHub to run your code in the cloud. To do this simply download the notebook file from Blackboard and upload it to JupyterHub.

Signing in

JupyterHub is a web-based system for running Jupyter Notebooks. In order to use it you have to sign in with your NTNU-credentials (Feide).


In JupyterHub you can organize your files however you want. I recommend creating a separate folder for each course. Keep in mind that the files stored here won’t be stored here forever, so it might be wise to backup your files locally.

Uploading a notebook

You can upload files to JupyterHub with the upload Files button the left hand side. You download files from JupyterHub by going to File > Download. Jupyter notebooks are stored in the file format .ipynb.

Running Code

JupyterHub uses a kernel to run your code, this is essentially as “mini-computer” that keeps track of the variables and functions in the code. The kernel starts automatically when you open a notebook. A notebook usually contains a mix of Markdown cells and python cells. Each of these cells can be run individually by hitting the Run (play) button while the cell is active. The output of each cell is shown below that cell. Alternatively you can restart the kernel (clears all output from all the cells) and run all the cells in order by hitting the Run All (fastforward) button.

Due to the kernel always remembering variables etc. it will actually remember a variable, even after you have deleted it and re-run the cell. If you encounter any weird bugs, restarting the kernel will clear everything.